All About Whole House Humidifiers and Why You Should Have One


Whole house humidifiers are an effective way to keep the air in an entire home comfortable without having to purchase multiple room humidifiers for each room. A whole-house humidifier is installed by attaching it to your HVAC system. The water evaporates into your ductwork and is distributed as water vapor throughout your whole house. Whole house humidifiers are especially useful for climates in areas such as Maryland, where the air becomes uncomfortably drier during the winter months and other times in the year.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of A Whole House Humidifier Versus A Portable Humidifier?

There are many advantages to having a whole house humidifier installed instead of getting a single portable humidifier. To begin with, a whole-house humidifier uses much less electricity. Single humidifiers are simply not energy efficient. In addition, since the whole house humidifier is installed as part of the existing HVAC system. That means you don’t need to worry about cords, toppling it over, or having a single humidifier taking up space in your room. Whole-house humidifiers can save up more money for the household by conserving energy costs in the long run. All in all, whole-house humidifiers are a good investment for improving the air quality of a home in Maryland.

Additional Benefits

Whole house humidifiers are beneficial because they treat all the rooms in the home, not just one. A lack of adequate humidity throughout a house can warp and split hardwood floors and furniture over time. Humidifiers also help with skin issues, such as if you have dry skin or suffer from skin problems. Increasing the humidity of your home can help immensely with these conditions. A whole-house humidifier could also reduce the incidence of congestion by keeping the respiratory system adequately moist.

Whole House Humidifiers Add Value to the Home

Whole-house humidifiers add considerable value to any home. Part of the value is that a whole-house humidifier can make the central air conditioning unnecessary. Another value-added feature is that whole-house humidifiers take the strain off of furnaces in winter. When the air has more moisture, the interior climate of the home is more comfortable, eliminating the need to keep the thermostat at higher temperatures. Over time, this can increase the lifespan of the furnace. Finally, whole-house humidifiers add value to the property from a buyer’s perspective if the homeowner ever decides to sell.

Whole house humidifiers are especially ideal for climates such as Maryland or for families with certain respiratory issues and skin problems. If you are in the market for one consider contacting an HVAC specialist near you that can install it for you. You’ll also want to consider getting an annual maintenance contract, as whole-house humidifiers do need periodic maintenance to ensure optimal running efficiency. For a quote or consultation about a whole-house humidifier, call Farnen & Dermer today.